Yong-Test Thin film circuit products
Yong-Test Thin film circuit products

Yong-Test Thin film circuit products
Yong-Test Thin film circuit products

Yong-Test Thin film circuit products
Yong-Test Thin film circuit products

Yong-Test Thin film circuit products
Yong-Test Thin film circuit products

Yong-Test Thin film circuit products
Yong-Test Thin film circuit products

R&S ZNB8 Vector Network Analyzer

R&S SMBV100B Vector signal generator

R&S FSU67 Spectrum Analyzer

YONG-TEST Thin film circuit
YONG-TEST Thin film circuit:
The sample specifications are as follows: the minimum line width is 20 microns, which can be customized for special needs (the capacity is 5 microns). The gold plating thickness of the sample is 2.5 microns for the front circuit part and 1.5 microns for the back full plate. The gold thickness tolerance is positive. The resistance value is negative 10%(untrimmed).

R&S SMA100A signal generator
信号质量,速度和灵活性-这些是当今信号源测量的标准。R&S SMA100A完全满足这些标准要求,同时,R&S SMA100A以其出色的性能树立了行业的新标准。R&S SMA100A信号质量优异、设定速度快,使得它胜任所有的应用,无论是在研发,生产,还是服务和维修等领域。

R&S FSV40-N Spectrum Analyzer
R&S®FSV 及 R&S®FSVA 属于多功能信号与频谱分析仪产品系列,适用于参与射频系统开发、生产、安装以及维修的用户。

R&S ZNB8 Vector Network Analyzer
罗德与施瓦茨凭借 R&S®ZNB 矢量网络分析仪系列树立新的标杆。这些分析仪具有卓越的测量速度、精度以及易操作性。

Service process
Service process






Check accept
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Maintenance service case
Maintenance of Spectrum Signal Analyzer
Signal source maintenance
Network analyzer maintenance
Broadband/System Amplifier Maintenance
Comprehensive testing instrument maintenance
Maintenance of non-standard parts
Oscilloscope maintenance
Power meter/power probe maintenance
Other (maintenance of optocouplers/antennas, etc.)
Lease sales
Open laboratory

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